COVID-19 Safety Protocol Update

Dentistry has always been a close contact, in-your-face profession. As dental care providers, we’ve been trained and are constantly re-trained in infection protocol measures and practices. So, it is during this health crisis that we are stepping up our game in infection control to provide you some peace of mind during your next visit.

It’s very important to us that we provide you with a safe and clean environment. We’ve been working hard in developing new protocols and reenforcing existing ones. Here are the things you can expect to see during your next dental appointment:

  1. A screening questionnaire form is to be filled out prior to any dental visit

  2. A reduced capacity of patients to ensure adequate social distancing and additional disinfection time in between patients

  3. We kindly ask all of our patients to enter with a mask or cloth covering their nose and mouth

  4. We remind patients to stand at least 6 feet apart during check in/check out, and to come to their appointments alone unless you have a caretaker or are the parent/guardian of a minor

  5. Temperature check and pulse oximeter measurement will be taken upon arrival

  6. Hand sanitization and peroxide-based mouth rinse at the beginning and end of your dental appointment

  7. HEPA air purifiers for every treatment room

  8. FDA recommended external Oral Suction machines for every treatment room

  9. Proper PPE, face shields, and sneeze guards for the front office reception area

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