Dental Bone Grafting in Huntington Beach, CA

Your oral health is crucial for your overall well-being! Call 714-897-8980 today to request an appointment for exceptional dental care. 

Your bones play a significant role in your smile. Your teeth receive support from the alveolar bone, which firmly holds them in place. Unfortunately, oral and dental complications can affect your jawbones, resulting in the need for dental treatments with bone grafting. 

At TLC Family Dentistry, we offer unmatched dental services to all patients of all ages, including bone grafting in Huntington Beach, CA. Dr. Sepideh Basti runs our dental practice with a strong emphasis on patient comfort and high standards of quality care.

Suppose you need to improve your smile or oral health with bone grafting procedures. In that case, we will use the latest dental industry advancements to implement a beneficial solution for your specific needs. 

What Is Bone Grafting?

Bone grafting is a surgical procedure that involves taking small amounts of bone material from one part of a body and transferring it to a bone in another area. In the dental industry, bone grafts are often necessary to make weak jawbones sturdier to restore teeth and gum health. It’s also possible to use bone grafting to restore lost or diminished bone due to facial conditions.

Bone grafts can be organic or synthetic. The following are the most common types of dental bone grafts:

  • Autographs use bone from the patient’s body, usually from the hip or jaw.
  • Allografts involve bone material from another person.
  • Xenografts provide grafting material from another species, such as coral or a cow.
  • Alloplastic grafting material is synthetic and comes from Bioglass (calcium sodium phosphosilicate) or calcium phosphate.

Why Is Bone Grafting Necessary for Oral Health?

Over time, a jawbone with missing teeth will experience bone loss and become thinner and more likely to fracture. The reduction in bone density occurs because its existing cells are reabsorbing into the body faster than new cells can take their place. A tooth’s root helps stimulate bone growth, so when teeth are missing, jawbone loss will occur.

It’s also possible to lose bone density if you have an advanced gum disease called periodontitis. The condition can cause the gum line to recede, loosening teeth. As teeth begin to weaken and shift, they reduce bone cell growth stimulation, resulting in bone loss. 

With dental bone grafting services from TLC Family Dentistry, we can use organic or synthetic grafting materials to fill the void bone loss creates. Our team and Dr. Basti have years of experience treating patients of all ages with weak jawbones. 

We usually perform the procedure to provide a sturdy foundation for patients who need dental implants to replace missing teeth. In addition to treating the cause of jawbone loss, we can also identify the issue’s cause and develop a treatment plan to prevent further problems. 

Major Bone Grafting

Bone grafting comes in two categories: major and minor. Patients who need major bone grafting have defects in the jaw that need repair.  It may cover a large area and occur if the patient experiences a traumatic injury or has congenital disabilities.

Minor Bone Grafting

The most common dental bone grafting procedure we provide at TLC Family Dentistry falls under the minor category. The process is usually necessary when a patient needs dental implants but does not have sufficient bone density to accommodate the surgically implanted metal posts. It typically doesn’t involve extensive surgery, and the grafting area is often negligible.  

Types of Dental Bone Grafting Procedures in Huntington Beach, CA

Our team often performs bone grafting procedures during tooth extraction or another treatment that either requires a strong jawbone or could lead to jawbone density reduction. Our goal is to provide comprehensive treatments that minimize our patients’ discomfort. Below are standard bone grafting procedures: 

  • Ridge Expansion: The bony ridge that supports teeth can shrink over time if teeth are missing. A ridge expansion will widen the alveolar ridge to accommodate dental implants.
  • Nerve Repositioning: Dental implants can damage the nerve that provides feeling to the chin and lower lip. We can restore bone over the nerve with grafting to protect it.
  • Sinus Lift: This procedure increases bone density over the upper molars to ensure the wall separating the oral and sinus cavities is dense enough for an implant. 

Sometimes, a patient’s condition needs additional care. In that case, Dr. Basti will happily refer them to an experienced colleague who could provide further dental care. 

Reach Out to TLC Family Dentistry for Quality Bone Grafting Procedures

Whether you’re experiencing a reduction in bone density from gum disease or tooth loss, you can count on TLC Family Dentistry to provide you with the dental care you need. We offer various restorative, cosmetic, and surgical dental services, including bone grafting in Huntington Beach, CA. Reach out today at 714-897-8980 to schedule an appointment with our team.

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